Creating engaged employee advocates

More than 70% of employees think their company will shape the future of society


Employee engagement

According to the 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer, a global public survey, 73% of employees trust their employer and most believe their their company has an opportunity to shape the future of society.

Engaged employees go above and beyond. Not only are they highly productive, they are advocates who live your values day to day. Your employees can be valuable allies who amplify your message to the world. Communications play an important role in building a culture of engagement together with senior leaders across the company and leveraging employee voices to further build the brand.

MacAllen Media & Public Affairs can help you create a global workforce of employees who bring passion to their work and love to tell people about it.

Content shared by employees gets 8x more engagement than content shared by brand channels


Employee advocacy

About 55% of people say ‘a regular employee’ is a very or extremely credible source of information about a company. Bonus points if that employee is a technical expert like a scientist. Meanwhile, only 47% think CEOs are credible. That’s why employee advocacy is so important.

MacAllen Media & Public Affairs can help you involve employees in your communications and advocacy strategy. Employees can help bring awareness to a certain issue through social media campaigns. They can help generate leads by sharing information about new solutions with their social networks. There are also ways to get them engaged in more traditional advocacy, for example, through Washington DC Fly-Ins or letter-writing campaigns. Your employees are an attractive voice for almost any stakeholder. Let MacAllen Media & Public Affairs help you make the most of your in-house advocates!

92% of people say they would leave their job for a company with an excellent reputation


Employer branding

Having a great brand and reputation attracts and keeps great talent. The vast majority of people would leave their current roles to work for a company with a sterling reputation. Some people will even take a pay cut. LinkedIn Data shows that having a strong brand can reduce cost per hire by 43%.

MacAllen Media & Public Affairs can help you with employer branding. . We dig into what makes you different to identify your value proposition for employees.